The University of Iowa Anti-Violence Plan for sexual misconduct, dating violence, and stalking

The University of Iowa has a committed team working to prevent sexual misconduct, dating violence, and stalking; provide support to survivors; and hold offenders accountable.

The UI strives to maintain a safe and respectful environment, which requires campus-wide support and continuous effort. Through collaborative efforts, including the Six Point Plan to Combat Sexual Assault, we have made measurable progress, but there is more work to be done.

The University of Iowa Anti-Violence Coalition (AVC), made up of campus stakeholders and community partners, worked together to identify additional action items focusing on prevention and education, policy, and intervention. This new two-year plan is influenced by responses to the Speak Out Iowa campus climate survey (noted by numbers), evidence-informed efforts and practices (noted by letters), and input from members of the AVC and campus constituents.

Action items listed below have been completed, and four items have been carried forward to the Summer 2018 - Spring 2021 Anti-Violence Plan.

Prevention and Education

Goal: To expand existing programs, create new educational opportunities for the campus community, and use comprehensive evaluation to maximize the effectiveness of all programming. This work is guided by the UI Comprehensive Education Model.

Strategy, Tactics, and Updates

1. Implement an online refresher course on sexual misconduct in the first semester for incoming undergraduate students as a follow-up to the required Success at Iowa course taken before coming to campus (2)


  • Summer 2017: Refresher course implemented as a require component for all incoming fall 2017 graduate and professional students
  • Fall 2016: Refresher course implemented as a required component of the Success at Iowa course for all incoming Spring 2017 undergraduate students
  • Fall 2016: Refresher course made available to UI community via the Ending Violence at Iowa site through the end of the fall 2016 semester
2. Develop a new module for orientation programs for incoming graduate and professional students to increase awareness of resources and reporting options, as well as prevention education (5, 12) (B, C)


  • Fall 2017: RVAP and WRAC facilitated two 25-minute breakout sessions in graduate student orientation, covering topics of bystander intervention, how to help a friend, and confidential resources.
  • Spring 2017: The Graduate College has scheduled time in their fall orientation program for a new prevention education module, which is being developed by WRAC and RVAP.
3. Expand faculty/staff sexual harassment prevention education


  • Including employees with appointments below 50% and undergraduate students in formal peer leadership roles (e.g., tutors) (5) (C)
  • Including more primary prevention strategies, as well as explaining the importance of creating an environment where sexist and crude gender harassment is not used, even if it does not violate university policy (5) (C)


  • Spring 2018: Task group recommendation is due in June 2018
  • Spring 2018: New web-based prevention program by EverFi which includes primary prevention content for faculty and staff was implemented
  • Fall 2017: A task group formed to identify employee appointment types to include in expansion of sexual harassment prevention education
  • Fall 2017: New web-based prevention program for faculty and staff by EverFi was selected in collaboration with Iowa State University and the University of Northern Iowa
4. Explore options and models for partnering with feeder high schools given evidence that prevention is more likely to be effective with students, developmentally, before college (2) (C)


  • Spring 2018: Partners from high schools and youth organizations in Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, and surrounding areas attended training and networking sessions as part of the What About Me(n)? Summit
  • Spring 2018: The 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan includes a strategy to host K-12 education and community leaders in discussions of sexual misconduct policies critical to prevention, intervention, and legislation
5. Continue to engage and share prevention resources and strategies with community partners to help prevent incidents of sexual misconduct off campus (3) (C)


  • Spring 2018: RVAP created a paid student internship position to expand partnerships with Iowa City community organizations for offering Raise the Bar workshops
  • Fall 2017: RVAP collaborated with partners in the community to offer a three-session course titled Advocating for a Safer Community to members of the Iowa City community
  • Summer 2017: RVAP collaborated with the Iowa Department of Public Health to host a listening session gauging community members' awareness of, and opinions about, sexual violence in Iowa. Representatives from UI Athletics, the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, WRAC, OSMRC, SART, the SANE program, and the School of Social Work participated.
  • Spring 2017: RVAP is training new staff to facilitate Raise the Bar workshops and reaching out to local bars to provide the workshop
6. Explore options and models for partnering with feeder high schools given evidence that prevention is more likely to be effective with students, developmentally, before college (2) (C)


  • No updates at this time.
7. Continue to engage and share prevention resources and strategies with community partners to help prevent incidents of sexual misconduct off campus (3) (C)


  • Fall 2017: RVAP collaborated with partners in the community to offer a three-session course titled Advocating for a Safer Community to members of the Iowa City community.
  • Summer 2017: RVAP collaborated with the Iowa Department of Public Health to host a listening session gauging community members' awareness of, and opinions about, sexual violence in Iowa. Representatives from UI Athletics, the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, WRAC, OSMRC, SART, the SANE program, and the School of Social Work participated.
  • Spring 2017: RVAP is training new staff to facilitate Raise the Bar workshops and reaching out to local bars to provide the workshop.
8. Work with Fraternity and Sorority Life staff and student leaders to implement procedures that create protective environments (e.g., improving safety and monitoring at events and creating social incentives for behavior) (2) (C)


  • Spring 2018: The 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan continues to prioritize partnering with Fraternity & Sorority Life to engage in alcohol harm reduction efforts
  • Fall 2017: Fraternity and Sorority Life student leaders created a "Not In Our Community" video against sexual assault
  • Fall 2017: The Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils updated their bylaws to require that each chapter's mandatory in-house educational to include at least one event related to violence prevention
  • Summer 2017: FSL student leaders submitted recommendations to create protective environments to the Vice President for Student Life. Chapter leaders will report back their implementation of the recommendations in the fall.
  • Spring 2017: The Vice President for Student Life appointed a committee of Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) student leaders to develop recommendations to create protective environments within FSL chapters


9. Develop and implement programming that promotes healthy masculinity across campus, specifically engaging groups where students who identify as men come together (C)


  • Spring 2018: Over 80 students, staff, faculty, and community members attended the What About Me(n)? Summit, an event focused on engaging those identifying as male and those leading and mentoring male-identified youth in violence prevention
  • Spring 2018: The 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan continues to prioritize mobilizing and engaging male-identified students, staff, faculty, and community partners
  • Fall 2017: Representatives from RVAP, WRAC, the Department of Public Safety, Athletics, Multicultural Programs, and University Counseling Services established a committee to coordinate campus programs related to men and masculinity, ensure program alignment, and share resources
  • Spring 2017: The Department of Public Safety, in collaboration with UI Athletics, WRAC, and RVAP, trained six student co-facilitators for a new education program promoting healthy masculinity that will be offered on campus in Fall 2017
10. Raise awareness about dating violence and stalking, including where to get help and how to report victimization (6,7) (B, H)


  • Implementing a communications campaign (11)
  • Making sure existing programs have the resource information on stalking and dating violence readily accessible


  • Spring 2018: The 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan continues to prioritize messaging campaigns for raising awareness about sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence, and stalking
  • Fall 2017: L.E.A.P. (Lead Empower Advocate Prevent) members implemented an awareness-raising campaign developed by representatives from WRAC, RVAP, UISG, the Student Advisory Committee on Sexual Misconduct, DVIP, and Monsoon United Asian Women of Iowa for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October
  • Summer 2017: Prevention providers at RVAP and WRAC made updates to program curricula following a review of existing programming for content related to stalking and dating violence
  • Spring 2017: An awareness-raising campaign to increase understanding about stalking and where to get help was implemented in residence halls, the IMU, the CRWC, academic buildings, and on social media. Assessment data was collected to evaluate effectiveness.
11. Implement Enhanced Assess, Acknowledge, Act (EAAA) sexual assault resistance education program (1) (C)


  • Include content on:
    • The role of alcohol (3)
    • Verbal and physical defense (1, 8)
    • Perpetrator behavior and patterns (8)


  • Spring 2018: Three sections of Flip the Script were offered in the 2017-2018 academic year
  • Spring 2018: Enrollment opened for two sections of Flip the Script in the fall 2018 semester
  • Fall 2017: University College implemented Flip the Script, a one-credit-hour course based on the EAAA curriculum
  • Summer 2017: Two staff members participated in a EAAA train-the-trainer program in preparation to implement the program
12. Ensure programs reinforce that sexual assault by an acquaintance is most common while also raising awareness of measures to reduce the risk of victimization by a stranger (8)


  • Spring 2018: DPS implemented a new ride-request NITE RIDE application for campus members to schedule a safe ride home during the evening and early morning hours
  • Summer 2017: Prevention providers at RVAP and WRAC made updates to program curricula following a review of existing programming for content related to acquaintance sexual assault and stranger sexual assault
  • Fall 2016: NITE RIDE late-night transportation service expanded to be open to all genders
13. Ensure alcohol harm reduction efforts include (3) (C, I)

Strategy: Ensure alcohol harm reduction efforts include: (3) (CI)

  • Recommendations for parents/guardians on talking with their student about alcohol (e.g., A Parent Handbook for Talking with College Students About Alcohol)

  • Environmental prevention strategies (e.g., alcohol control measures/local ordinances)

  • Late-night entertainment alternatives


  • Spring 2018: The 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan continues to prioritize collaborating on alcohol harm reduction efforts on campus and in the community
  • Fall 2017: Assessment coordinator in the Office of the Vice President for Student Life increased collaboration with anti-violence initiatives by joining the Alcohol Harm Reduction Committee
  • Summer 2017: The "Ensuring Student Success: Parents as Partners" orientation session was updated based on parent feedback
  • Summer 2017: New "Guides for Off-Campus Living" were distributed by apartment owners to students picking up keys for off-campus apartments
  • Summer 2017: The Partnership for Alcohol Safety expanded to include the Iowa City Downtown District Office's new "Nighttime Mayor"
  • Summer 2017: The Fraternity and Sorority Alcohol Task Force was created and began meeting to develop a comprehensive plan for positive culture change within the Fraternity and Sorority community regarding alcohol use at social and philanthropic events
  • Summer 2017: The Office of Admissions developed new My Friday Night videos to promote late night activities for new and prospective students
  • Fall 2016: Alcohol Harm Reduction Committee committed to retaining the parent handbook, working collaboratively with the Anti-Violence Coalition on environmental prevention strategies, and ensuring there are late-night alternatives in the Alcohol Harm Reduction Plan and budget
14. Identify and explore ways to centralize the evaluation of all student prevention education programs through coordination in the Office of the Vice President for Student Life (B, E)


  • Fall 2017: The Office of the Vice President for Student Life hired an additional half-time assessment coordinator
  • Spring 2017: Prevention providers worked with an assessment coordinator to clarify learning outcomes and develop assessments for prevention programs
15. Build a team of peer educators to expand capacity for prevention education, including increasing student preparedness to respond to disclosures of victimization (1, 9, 11)


  • Spring 2018:The 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan includes a strategy to expand the Certified Peer Educator program to enhance culturally specific representation and content
  • Fall 2017: WRAC Certified Peer Educators facilitated a total of 34 workshops reaching 931 students in spring 2017. So far, Certified Peer Educators have facilitated 57 workshops reaching approximately 1,600 students in fall 2017.
  • Spring 2017: Nine student peer educators were hired by WRAC and completed certification training to co-facilitate violence prevention workshops on campus. 22 workshops have been provided to date.
16. Maximize attendance of bystander intervention training during On Iowa! by offering it earlier in the orientation schedule, and track attendance so students not in attendance can be identified for future programming (2) (C).


  • Spring 2018: The 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan includes a strategy to update the Education and Training Database to collect attendance data for individual student participants
  • Fall 2016: The bystander intervention training in the Fall 2016 On Iowa! session was offered earlier in the week; commitment to retain schedule change
17. Partner with UISG to promote It’s On Us messaging campaign to expand its impact and ensure the content is aligned and linked to other prevention activities (1, 2) (C).


18. Create a web resource connecting groups and individuals looking for education with the appropriate resources and opportunities (2) (C)


19. Implement a strategy for continuous improvement by establishing learning benchmarks for all students in their first, second, third, and fourth years, and assessing outcomes


  • Spring 2018: The Campus Education Subcommittee published Gender-Based Violence Prevention Learning Outcomes that describe goals for every student to develop the knowledge and skills to engage in healthy relationships, serve as active bystanders, respond effectively to disclosures, and report problems
  • Fall 2017: The second Speak Out Iowa survey went live October 24, 2017
  • Spring 2017: The Campus Climate Survey Subcommittee is preparing for a second Speak Out Iowa survey to be implemented in fall 2017
20. Implement biannual climate survey of students regarding their experiences with sexual misconduct, dating violence, and stalking (I)


  • Spring 2018: Results from the second Speak Out Iowa survey influenced the strategies in the 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan
  • Fall 2017: The second Speak Out Iowa survey went live October 24, 2017
  • Spring 2017: Campus Climate Survey Subcommittee is preparing for a second Speak Out Iowa survey to be implemented in fall 2017


Goal: To integrate inclusive, trauma-informed, person-centered interventions for all those impacted by sexual misconduct, dating violence, and stalking, in a fair and equitable manner.

Strategy, Tactics, and Updates

1. Enhance education about resources on campus and in the community for students to ensure they know where to get help and where to make a report


  • Providing a safety booklet in every residence hall room that highlights resources available on campus (2)
  • Updating crime alerts to include hyperlinks/images (11)
  • Increasing reminders about where to get help and where to report by exploring new communication methods to reach students and implementing messaging campaigns (9, 12) (B)


  • Spring 2018: The 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan continues to prioritize increasing knowledge of how to get help and where to report
  • Spring 2018: The University of Iowa Clery compliance team collaborated with other Big 10 institutions to align procedures for the use of Crime Alerts with reports related to non-stranger sexual assault
  • Spring 2018: OSMRC began partnering with the Division of Student Life to utilize its social media channels to raise awareness about campus resources
  • Fall 2017: OSMRC implemented the website improvements suggested by the Callisto subcommittee, whose final recommendation was not to adopt Callisto
  • Summer 2017: A committee formed to review the online sexual assault reporting app Callisto
  • Fall 2016: UI Athletics added reporting and resource information to new student athlete orientation program
  • Fall 2016: Redesigned resource and reporting information in Success at Iowa course to ensure students know where to get help
  • Fall 2016: Department of Public Safety introduced the Hawk Watch app
  • Fall 2016: Safety booklet was provided in every residence hall room, sponsored by UI Parent and Family network; commitment to retain content in booklet for fall 2017
2. Provide training on responding effectively to disclosures to promote help-seeking behavior


  • Increasing education programs for students/campus community on how to respond to a disclosure by a friend/peer (9)
  • Ensuring responsible employees or Academic Administrative Officers (A/AOs) can recognize and respond to a disclosure of sexual misconduct, dating violence, or stalking (5, 6   7)(B


  • Spring 2018: The 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan continues to prioritize increasing knowledge of how to get help and where to report through training students, faculty, and staff
  • Spring 2018: The newly implemented web-based prevention program for faculty and staff by EverFi includes modules on responding to disclosures for those in supervisory positions
  • Fall 2017: "Responding to Disclosures as an A/AO" workshop offered by OSMRC and RVAP was request by 7 departments and completed by 242 staff and faculty
  • Spring 2017: The Academic Advising Center hosted a webinar training and discussion with OSMRC to ensure advisors are prepared to respond to a disclosure and meet their reporting responsibilities
  • Spring 2017: WRAC trained peer educators on how to respond to a disclosure by a peer through ongoing professional development meetings
  • Spring 2017: "Responding to Disclosures as an A/AO" workshop offered by OSMRC and RVAP was requested by 4 departments and completed by 52 staff and faculty
  • Fall 2016: "Responding to Disclosures as an A/AO" information guide was mailed to over 8,500 UI staff and faculty
  • Fall 2016: "Responding to Disclosures as an A/AO" workshop offered by OSMRC and RVAP was requested by 3 departments and completed by 55 staff and faculty
3. Collaborate with directors of graduate programs and professional school deans to cultivate a respectful and safe environment within their department or college (5) (E)


  • Spring 2018: This strategy was carried over to the 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan
  • Spring 2017: The Office of the Provost's Departmental Executive Officer Leadership Development Series included materials on A/AO responsibilities to help ensure concerns get reported and addressed promptly and appropriately
4. Advance investigative expertise for campus law enforcement and judicial administrators to increase accountability of persons committing sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking (4) (H)


  • Develop a sustainable education program for new officers and judicial administrators
  • Provide annual ongoing training to all officers and judicial administrators, ensuring training content is culturally inclusive and addresses needs of the LGBT community


  • Spring 2018: Anti-Violence Coalition in-service training on the “#MeToo” movement in higher education was made available to AVC members and others involved in the campus Title IX complaint process
  • Spring 2018: The 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan includes a strategy to develop coordinated learning outcomes for training for campus decision makers and judicial administrators
  • Spring 2018: 1-hour training on trauma-informed response to sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking was provided to all DPS officers
  • Fall 2018: Anti-Violence Coalition in-service training on the ODARA Risk Assessment was made available to AVC members and others involved in the campus Title IX complaint process
  • Fall 2017: Anti-Violence Coalition in-service training on working with international student survivors of sexual assault was made available to AVC members and others involved in the campus Title IX complaint process
  • Fall 2017: Anti-Violence Coalition in-service training on working with victims was made available to AVC members and others involved in the campus Title IX complaint process
  • Fall 2017: OSMRC collaborated with RVAP, DVIP, the Office of the General Counsel, and a consultant to deliver a 12-hour, 3-module training for decision makers and judicial administrators on the dynamics of sexual assault and dating/domestic violence, UI policies and procedures, trauma-informed response, due process, and an investigative framework
  • Summer 2017: Anti-Violence Coalition in-service training on campus stalking was made available to AVC members and others involved in the campus Title IX complaint process
  • Summer 2017: Trainer Tom Tremblay was brought to campus to offer training to 61 campus and municipal law enforcement officers on trauma-informed sexual assault response and investigation techniques
  • Spring 2017: Anti-Violence Coalition in-service training on non-consensual pornography was made available to AVC members and others involved in the campus Title IX complaint process
  • Spring 2017: One DPS officer attended a trainer development workshop hosted by the National Center for Victims of Crime Stalking Resource Center
  • Fall 2016: Anti-Violence Coalition in-service training on the neurobiology of trauma and trauma-informed victim interviewing techniques was made available to AVC members and others involved in the campus Title IX complaint process
  • Fall 2016: Two Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers attended a trainer development workshop then developed and implemented a 5-hour training on gender-based violence for all DPS officers
5. Strengthen resources for survivors


  • Raise awareness about the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) to promote linkage with resources for reducing the risk of future trauma (4) (C)
  • Expand the capacity of RVAP to provide long-term therapeutic care and support group services (1, 2) (C)
  • Increase survivors' access to immediate support through RVAP advocacy and mobile messaging


  • Spring 2018: This strategy was not completed when state budget cuts to funding the Iowa Sexual Abuse Hotline required a shift in focus towards maintaining current levels of service
  • Spring 2018: Commitment made to maintain RVAP campus advocate position
  • Spring 2018: The 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan includes strategies to expand collaboration to promote trauma-informed approaches
  • Fall 2017: Dr. Teresa Judge-Ellis provided training on ACEs to AVC members and others involved in the campus Title IX complaint process
  • Spring 2017: RVAP is hiring for a new full-time campus advocate to provide advocacy services to members of the UI campus community, and plans to have this position filled prior to the end of the spring semester
  • Fall 2016: RVAP added Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) as a resource to survivors


6. Expand resources for people accused of sexual misconduct


  • Creating student judicial process guidance for those accused (G)
  • Increasing training for senior human resource representatives and associate deans on how to have effective conversations that motivate behavioral change when facilitating an informal sexual harassment resolution (5)


  • Spring 2018: OSMRC began offering student judicial process guidance for student respondents involved in a university investigation
  • Spring 2018: This strategy was carried over to the 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan
7. Expand resources for people found responsible for a policy violation to prevent reoccurrence and ensure fairness


  • Ensure an alcohol or drug assessment is required as a sanction when the person found responsible was using alcohol or drugs during an incident of sexual misconduct, dating violence, or stalking (3)
  • Implement a research-informed educational program for students who are found responsible for sexual misconduct, dating violence, or stalking to prevent reoccurrence (H)


  • Spring 2018: An assessment protocol was established for the UI-CERB program and all facilitators were trained in the implementation of program assessment
  • Spring 2018: Four new UI-CERB facilitators began training, scheduled to be completed in summer 2018
  • Spring 2017: Curriculum created and five facilitators trained to implement the UI-CERB (Cognitive, Emotion Regulation, and Behavioral Skills) education program, which is now required for eligible students found responsible for sexual misconduct, dating violence, or stalking
  • Fall 2016: Office of the Dean of Students committed to requiring an alcohol or drug assessment as a sanction in cases in which the student found responsible for an incident of sexual misconduct, dating violence, or stalking was using drugs or alcohol
8. Engage with community partners to ensure coordinated responses by establishing a memorandum of understanding with local law enforcement agencies to complement the county guidelines for investigating sex crimes (J)



Goal: To review and revise policies on a consistent basis to ensure they are clear, fair, and effective at holding offenders accountable and keeping the campus community safe.

Strategy, Tactics, and Updates

1. Streamline and align existing civil rights policies and procedures while exploring the feasibility of merging them into one policy (A)


  • Spring 2018: This strategy was explored but not completed due to changes in senior leadership, the anticipation of new rules and changes to current federal guidance from the Department of Education, and workload related to other priorities in the plan. The 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan includes a strategy that identifies specific areas of focus for alignment between policies.
2. Identify and utilize a variety of mechanisms to collect campus feedback to inform policy review and revision


  • Spring 2018: The 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan includes a strategy to work with the Student Advisory Committee on Sexual Misconduct and other partners to continue collecting campus feedback to inform policy review and revision
  • Summer 2016: Based on input from a student petition, the Office of the Dean of Students updated the Code of Student Life to specifically reference that violations of the Sexual Misconduct, Dating/Domestic Violence, or Stalking Involving Students policy are prohibited
  • Fall 2016: The Student Advisory Committee on Sexual Misconduct held roundtable discussions to gather student feedback on the Speak Out survey and the Anti-Violence Plan
3. Identify and engage with local, state, and national policy leaders, as well as professional associations

Strategy: Identify and engage with local, state, and national policy leaders, as well as professional associations (e.g., elected officials, Office of Civil Rights, Association of Title IX Administrators, and National Association of College and University Attorneys) to confirm legal requirements are met, best practices are implemented, and the university contributes to societal change


  • Spring 2017: UI administrators consulted with Senator Ernst's staff on the planned reintroduction of the Campus Accountability and Safety Act (CASA)
4. Develop explicit campus policy education programs and tools to increase knowledge about how policies are applied


  • Broadening publication of aggregate response and investigation outcomes data, including sanctions imposed, related to sexual misconduct, dating violence, and stalking to increase transparency (10)
  • Continuing to build on students’ favorable perception of how the UI would respond to a student reporting an incident of sexual misconduct, by increasing knowledge on how sexual misconduct policies and procedures are applied (10) (B)


  • Spring 2018: The 2018-2021 Anti-Violence Plan continues to prioritize policy education
  • Spring 2018: OSMRC began reviewing case data in preparation for publishing a 2017 annual report
  • Fall 2017: OSMRC published data related to prevention, training, cases reported, and investigation outcomes in a 2016 Annual Report
  • Fall 2017: OSMRC published a booklet describing the stages of the employee conduct complaint process to help survivors make an informed choice about making an employee conduct complaint
  • Fall 2017: OSMRC implemented a student roundtable series to provide the opportunity for questions and dialogue about campus projects and processes
  • Spring 2017: OSMRC published a booklet describing the stages of the student conduct complaint process to help survivors make an informed choice about making a student conduct complaint



A - ATIXA: Association of Title IX Administrators (n.d.). The ATIXA one policy, one process model policy: Why choose the-one policy/one-process model. 

B - ATIXA: Association of Title IX Administrators (2016). The ATIXA Title IX and VAWA Section 304 training checklist. 

C - Centers for Disease Control. (2016). STOP SV: A technical package to prevent sexual violence. Atlanta, GA. Retrieved from

D - The University of Iowa Academic Support and Retention (n.d.). Excelling@Iowa data showing that 20% of students talk to their parents and families every 3 waking hours. Shared at meeting 9/2016.

E - Nation, M., Crusto, C., Wandersman, B., Kumpfer, K. L., Seybolt, D., Morrissey-Kane, E., & Davino, K. (2003). What works in prevention: Principles of effective prevention programs. American Psychologist, 58(6/7), 449-456.

F - Nation, M., Keener, D., Wandersman, A., & DuBois, D. (2005). Applying the principles of prevention: What do prevention practitioners need to know about what works? Retrieved from

G - Office of Civil Rights. (April 4, 2011). Dear colleague letter on sexual violence. Retrieved from

H - U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women 2014 Grant to Resource Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking on Campus

I - The White House (2014).The first report of the White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from

J - The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault (n.d.). Building partnerships among law enforcement agencies, colleges and universities: Developing a memorandum of understanding to prevent and respond effectively to sexual assaults at colleges in universities. Retrieved from